Archívum - Szep 30, 2015
Más is kapott levelet a JetBrains-től?
As a valued personal customer, we wanted to send you a formal note.
As of November 2, 2015, all our IDEs and .NET tools will be available under the JetBrains Toolbox Subscription Model. This will allow you to subscribe to individual tools for either monthly or annual fees, as well as choose to subscribe to All Products for a reduced fee. Additionally, JetBrains Toolbox includes an important perpetual licensing benefit called a fallback perpetual license. This new model will completely replace the existing one we currently have in place.
While this change provides benefits and flexibility to you as a customer, it is also an important and necessary move for JetBrains.
For existing customers (depending on your current license status), we are offering special transition discounts. As long as your license is relatively current and bought or renewed after November 2013, we can offer you “2 years for the price of 1” to move to our new model. More details can be found on the Toolbox page and in our detailed FAQ. For more context, you can also read the open letter from our CEO, Maxim Shafirov.
We will begin selling the new plan on November 2, 2015. We’d love your feedback and welcome the opportunity to continue to earn your business.
Please log in to your JetBrains Account for specifics on your account and licenses. If you have questions just write us back.
As of November 2, 2015, all our IDEs and .NET tools will be available under the JetBrains Toolbox Subscription Model. This will allow you to subscribe to individual tools for either monthly or annual fees, as well as choose to subscribe to All Products for a reduced fee. Additionally, JetBrains Toolbox includes an important perpetual licensing benefit called a fallback perpetual license. This new model will completely replace the existing one we currently have in place.
While this change provides benefits and flexibility to you as a customer, it is also an important and necessary move for JetBrains.
For existing customers (depending on your current license status), we are offering special transition discounts. As long as your license is relatively current and bought or renewed after November 2013, we can offer you “2 years for the price of 1” to move to our new model. More details can be found on the Toolbox page and in our detailed FAQ. For more context, you can also read the open letter from our CEO, Maxim Shafirov.
We will begin selling the new plan on November 2, 2015. We’d love your feedback and welcome the opportunity to continue to earn your business.
Please log in to your JetBrains Account for specifics on your account and licenses. If you have questions just write us back.
Nincs most időm utánanézni, hogy ez a gyakorlatban mit jelent (vajon minden évben kötelezően meg kell újítanom a licenszt, vagy ugyanúgy, mint most, csak akkor, ha újabb verziókat akarok használni), de érdekelne, hogy mások, akik használják a JetBrains IDE-ket utánajártak e már.