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PHP Kerőső hol keressen

spider666 · 2010. Júl. 5. (H), 10.38
Az lenne a kérdésem, hogy a következő kódnál jóhogyan lehetséges megadni azt az URL címet, ahol keressen?

/* -

Copyright (C) 2002 Holger Eichert, All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

Some people say php is not the language to do a fulltextsearch and they are
right ;-) but anyway: performs a realtime fulltext-search
over spezified directorys including subdirectorys and returns a link and an
extract of each file. htmlspecialchars are supported so a search for "über"
will return documents having "&uuml;ber" as well as documents having "über".

- Added some more features like 'match case' and the possibility to limit the
number of results.

Comment/Uncomment your language configuration and if necessary edit the settings.

Have fun... */

// English Configuration
$my_server = "".getenv("Downloadprogs").":".getenv("SERVER_PORT"); // Your Server (generally no changes needed)
$my_root = getenv("DOCUMENT_ROOT"); // Your document root (generally no changes needed)
$s_dirs = array("/search/dir1","/search/dir2"); // Which directories should be searched ("/dir1","/dir2","/dir1/subdir2","/Verzeichniss2/Unterverzeichniss2")? --> $s_dirs = array(""); searches the entire server
$s_skip = array("..",".","subdir2"); // Which files/dirs do you like to skip?
$s_files = "html|htm|HTM|HTML|php3|php4|php|txt"; // Which files types should be searched? Example: "html$|htm$|php4$"
$min_chars = "3"; // Min. chars that must be entered to perform the search
$max_chars = "30"; // Max. chars that can be submited to perform the search
$default_val = "Keresés..."; // Default value in searchfield
$limit_hits = array("5","10","25","50","100"); // How many hits should be displayed, to suppress the select-menu simply use one value in the array --> array("100")
$message_1 = "Érvénytelen keresés!"; // Invalid searchterm
$message_2 = "Próbáld újra! Titkosított hiba: '$min_chars', highest '$max_chars' characters."; // Invalid searchterm long ($min_chars/$max_chars)
$message_3= "A  keresett szó:"; // Headline searchresults
$message_4 = "Nincs találalat."; // No hits
$message_5 = "eredmény jelenjen meg"; // Hits
$message_6 = "Pontos találat"; // Match case
$no_title = "Untiteled"; // This should be displayed if no title or empty title is found in file
$limit_extracts_extracts = ""; // How many extratcts per file do you like to display. Default: "" --> every extract, alternative: 'integer' e.g. "3"
$byte_size = "51200"; // How many bytes per file should be searched? Reduce to increase speed

// Deutsche Konfiguration
$my_server = "http://".getenv("SERVER_NAME").":".getenv("SERVER_PORT"); // Zu durchsuchender Server
$my_root = getenv("DOCUMENT_ROOT"); // Wurzelverzeichnis fuer die Suche
$s_dirs = array("/search/dir1","/search/dir2"); // Welche Verzeichnisse ("/Verzeichniss1","/Verzeichniss2","/Verzeichniss2/Unterverzeichniss1","/Verzeichniss2/Unterverzeichniss2") im Wurzelverzeichnis sollen durchsucht werden? --> $s_dirs = array(""); durchsucht den ganzen Server
$s_skip = array("..",".","subdir2"); // Welche Ordner oder Dateien sollen ausgelassen werden?
$s_files = "html|htm|HTM|HTML|php3|php4|php|txt"; // Welche Dateien (Endung) sollen durchsucht werden? Beispiel fuer mehrere Endungen: "html$|htm$|php4$"
$min_chars = "3"; // Wieviel Zeichen muessen mind. bei der Suche eingegeben werden?
$max_chars = "30"; // Wieviel Zeichen duerfen max. bei der Suche eingegeben werden?
$default_val = "Begriff"; // Default Wert im Suchfeld
$limit_hits = array("5","10","25","50","100"); // Max. Treffer anzeigen, um das select-menue zu unterdruecken und beispielsweise max. 100 Treffer anzuzeigen --> array("100")
$message_1 = "Ung&uuml;ltiger Suchbegriff!"; // Zuwenig/zuviel Zeichen in der Suche
$message_2 = "Bitte geben Sie mindestens '$min_chars', maximal '$max_chars' Zeichen ein, zusammenh&auml;ngende Begriffe durch ein Leerzeichen getrennt."; // Ungueltige Suchanfrage ($min_chars/$max_chars)
$message_3= "Suchergebnisse f&uuml;r:"; // Ueberschrift Suchergebnisse
$message_4 = "Die Suche ergab leider keinen Treffer."; // Keinen Treffer
$message_5 = "Treffer"; // Treffer
$message_6 = "Groß-/Kleinschreibung beachten"; // Groß-/Kleinschreibung beachten
$no_title = "Ohne Titel"; // Kein Titel in Datei
$limit_extracts = ""; // Wieviele Treffer (Auszuege) sollen _pro Dokument_ ausgegeben. Default: "" also alle, Alternativ: 'Zahl' z.B. "2"
$byte_size = "51200"; // Wieviel byte sollen pro zu durchsuchender html-Datei durchsucht werden (Je kleiner, desto schneller die Suche, desto geringer die Chance auf einen Treffer --> html-Dateien sollten eigentlich nicht groesser als 10 KB, also 10240 byte sein) Default: '51200', weil grosse Dateien vorhanden?

//ini_set("error_reporting", "2047"); // Debugger

// search_form(): Gibt das Suchformular aus
function search_form($HTTP_GET_VARS, $limit_hits, $default_val, $message_5, $message_6, $PHP_SELF) {
"<form action=\"$PHP_SELF\" method=\"GET\">\n",
"<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"SEARCH\" name=\"action\">\n",
"<input type=\"text\" name=\"keyword\" class=\"text\" size=\"10\"  maxlength=\"30\" value=\"";
echo "$default_val";
echo str_replace("&amp;","&",htmlentities($keyword));
echo "\" ";
echo "onFocus=\" if (value == '";
echo "$default_val";
echo str_replace("&amp;","&",htmlentities($keyword));
echo "') {value=''}\" onBlur=\"if (value == '') {value='";
echo "$default_val";
echo str_replace("&amp;","&",htmlentities($keyword));
echo "'}\"> ";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"".$limit_hits[0]."\" name=\"limit\">";
elseif($j>1) {
"<select name=\"limit\" class=\"select\">\n";
for($i=0;$i<$j;$i++) {
echo "<option value=\"".$limit_hits[$i]."\"";
echo "SELECTED";
echo ">".$limit_hits[$i]." $message_5</option>\n";
echo "</select> ";
"<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Keresés\" class=\"button\">\n",
"<span class=\"checkbox\">$message_6</span> <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"case\" value=\"true\" class=\"checkbox\"";
echo " CHECKED";
"<a href=\"\" class=\"ts\" target=\"_blank\">Downloadprogs/search</a>",

// search_headline(): Ueberschrift Suchergebnisse
function search_headline($HTTP_GET_VARS, $message_3) {
if($action == "SEARCH") // Volltextsuche
echo "<h1 class=\"result\">$message_3 '<i>".htmlentities(stripslashes($keyword))."</i>'</h1>";

// search_error(): Auf Fehler testen und Suchfehler anzeigen
function search_error($HTTP_GET_VARS, $min_chars, $max_chars, $message_1, $message_2, $limit_hits) {
global $HTTP_GET_VARS;
if($action == "SEARCH") { // Volltextsuche
if(strlen($keyword)<$min_chars||strlen($keyword)>$max_chars||!in_array ($limit, $limit_hits)) { // Ist die Anfrage in Ordnung (min. '$min_chars' Zeichen, max. '$max_chars' Zeichen)?
echo "<p class=\"result\"><b>$message_1</b><br>$message_2</p>";
$HTTP_GET_VARS['action'] = "ERROR"; // Suche abbrechen

// search_dir(): Volltextsuche in Verzeichnissen
function search_dir($my_server, $my_root, $s_dirs, $s_files, $s_skip, $message_1, $message_2, $no_title, $limit_extracts, $byte_size, $HTTP_GET_VARS) {
global $count_hits;
if($action == "SEARCH") { // Volltextsuche
foreach($s_dirs as $dir) { // Alle Verzeichnisse in $s_dirs durchsuchen
$handle = @opendir($my_root.$dir);
while($file = @readdir($handle)) {
if(in_array($file, $s_skip)) { // Alles in $skip auslassen
elseif($count_hits>=$limit) {
break; // Maximale Trefferzahl erreicht
elseif(is_dir($my_root.$dir."/".$file)) { // Unterverzeichnisse durchsuchen
$s_dirs = array("$dir/$file");
search_dir($my_server, $my_root, $s_dirs, $s_files, $s_skip, $message_1, $message_2, $no_title, $limit_extracts, $byte_size, $HTTP_GET_VARS); // search_dir() rekursiv auf alle Unterverzeichnisse aufrufen
elseif(preg_match("/($s_files)$/i", $file)) { // Alle Dateien gemaess Endungen $s_files
$text=fread($fd, $byte_size); // 50 KB
$keyword_html = htmlentities($keyword);
if($case) { // Gross-/Kleinschreibung beruecksichtigen?
$do=strstr($text, $keyword)||strstr($text, $keyword_html);
else {
$do=stristr($text, $keyword)||stristr($text, $keyword_html);
if($do) {
$count_hits++; // Treffer zaehlen
if(preg_match_all("=<title[^>]*>(.*)</title>=siU", $text, $titel)) { // Generierung des Link-Textets aus <title>...</title>
if(!$titel[1][0]) // <title></title> ist leer...
$link_title=$no_title; // ...also $no_title
$link_title=$titel[1][0];  // <title>...</title> vorhanden...
else {
$link_title=$no_title; // ...ansonsten $no_title
echo "<a href=\"$my_server$dir/$file\" target=\"_self\" class=\"result\">$count_hits.  $link_title</a><br>"; // Ausgabe des Links
$auszug = strip_tags($text);
$keyword = preg_quote($keyword); // unescapen
$keyword = str_replace("/","\/","$keyword");
$keyword_html = preg_quote($keyword_html); // unescapen
$keyword_html = str_replace("/","\/","$keyword_html");
echo "<span class=\"extract\">";
if(preg_match_all("/((\s\S*){0,3})($keyword|$keyword_html)((\s?\S*){0,3})/i", $auszug, $match, PREG_SET_ORDER)); {
for ($h=0;$h<$number;$h++) { // Kein Limit angegeben also alle Vorkommen ausgeben
if (!empty($match[$h][3]))
printf("<i><b>..</b> %s<b>%s</b>%s <b>..</b></i>", $match[$h][1], $match[$h][3], $match[$h][4]);
echo "</span><br><br>";

// search_no_hits(): Ausgabe 'keine Treffer' bei der Suche
function search_no_hits($HTTP_GET_VARS, $count_hits, $message_4) {
if($action == "SEARCH" && $count_hits<1) // Volltextsuche, kein Treffer
echo "<p class=\"result\">$message_4</p>";


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}  {
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color : #000000;
font-weight : normal;
font-size : 12px;
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font-family : verdana, arial,helvetica,sans-serif;
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span.extract  {
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// search_form(): Gibt das Suchformular aus
search_form($HTTP_GET_VARS, $limit_hits, $default_val, $message_5, $message_6, $PHP_SELF);
// search_headline(): Ueberschrift Suchergebnisse
search_headline($HTTP_GET_VARS, $message_3);
// search_error(): Auf Fehler testen und Suchfehler anzeigen
search_error($HTTP_GET_VARS, $min_chars, $max_chars, $message_1, $message_2, $limit_hits);
// search_dir(): Volltextsuche in Verzeichnissen (siehe config.php4)
search_dir($my_server, $my_root, $s_dirs, $s_files, $s_skip, $message_1, $message_2, $no_title, $limit_extracts, $byte_size, $HTTP_GET_VARS);
// search_no_hits(): Ausgabe 'keine Treffer' bei der Suche
search_no_hits($HTTP_GET_VARS, $count_hits, $message_4);

A válaszokat előre is köszönöm!


spider666 · 2010. Júl. 5. (H), 14.44
Mármint, azt tudom, hogy itt kell:
$my_server, $my_root, $s_dirs, $s_files, $s_skip ,de nem tudom, hogy hogyan