Hiba HTML validálás közben
Result: Failed validation
File: D:\index.html
Sorry, I am unable to validate this document because its content type is text/plain, which is not currently supported by this service.
The Content-Type field is sent by your web server (or web browser if you use the file upload interface) and depends on its configuration. Commonly, web servers will have a mapping of filename extensions (such as ".html") to MIME Content-Type values (such as text/html).
File: D:\index.html
Sorry, I am unable to validate this document because its content type is text/plain, which is not currently supported by this service.
The Content-Type field is sent by your web server (or web browser if you use the file upload interface) and depends on its configuration. Commonly, web servers will have a mapping of filename extensions (such as ".html") to MIME Content-Type values (such as text/html).
Ilyet még sose láttam, a html kód teljesen egyszerű, hiba nem lehet benne. Mi lehet a baj?
megfelelő meta tag?
Tedd be a head-be.
A böngészőnek kellene
Egyébként minden bizonnyal a következő problémával állsz szemben:
Validation by file upload and Internet Explorer on WinXP SP2
Ha tényleg ez a probléma, akkor a megoldás az IE-hez a legfrissebb patch-ek feltelepítése, ami meg amúgy is ajánlott.