Pete Freitag Pete Freitag

CSS Techniques Roundup - 20 CSS Tips and Tricks

Updated on November 17, 2023
By Pete Freitag

I never cease to be amazed at what problems can be solved with pure CSS. Here are 20 CSS techniques, tips and tricks that you may find handy:

css tips
  1. CSS Uppercase
  2. Rounded Corners
  3. Rounded Corners without images
  4. Creating a Netflix style star ratings
  5. Tableless forms
  6. Styling Lists with CSS
  7. 2 Column Layout Technique
  8. 3 Column Layout with CSS
  9. 3 Column Fixed width centered layout
  10. Printing with CSS
  11. Adding a CSS stylesheet to an RSS feed
  12. Footer Stick
  13. CSS Element Hover Effect
  14. Styling Horizontal Rules
  15. Clearing Floats
  16. CSS Popups
  17. Box Punch
  18. Orange RSS Buttons with pure CSS
  19. 10 CSS Tricks you may not know
  20. 10 More CSS Tricks you may not know

Do you have other good tips tricks and techniques? Please post them in the comments.

Update: I have started working on a CSS Cheat Sheet that you may find handy.

Update Again: I removed several links that no longer work.

css tips techniques roundup tricks

CSS Techniques Roundup - 20 CSS Tips and Tricks was first published on September 22, 2005.

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