Xdebug 2 released

After almost four years of work, Xdebug 2 is finally ready. With improved functionality and many new features it is ready to totally change the way you develop in PHP. Some of the new features and updates include improved stack traces , execution traces to files , code coverage analysis and much improved remote debugging support. Xdebug's documentation has also been rewritten for more clarity.
As with most open source projects, it's very hard to know who are actually the users of the project. As I would like to know my users better, I would invite everybody who finds Xdebug useful to send me a postcard with their location. (Address is here at the top of the page). I am looking forwards to find out who you are!
Now head over to the Xdebug site and try it out!
This article has a short URL available: https://drck.me/xdebug-2-released-5ml
Congratulation Derick for this release. I will try this out shortly, when i return to our office.
By the way, i really like the new picture :)
See you in march! Yann
Hm, greetings from germany. A real postcard to norway is to expensive, i just will give u this digital one.
Another digital postcard this time from Glasgow, Scotland on Gentoo if that's of any interest. I don't use it a lot, and rarely for debugging; it's really there in case I want to profile something. I do see it it as an important tool for php though and thanks for all your efforts.
Don't suppose there has been any indication of a potential client for Mac OS X?
Don't forget aggregate profiling. :)
Virtual postcard from Milano airports, where Xdebug usage has been preached to the unwashed massed... As for a real cardboard thingie, who knows, maybe it will be delivered in person?
Thanks Derick for all your hard work - Xdebug is an incredibly valuable tool.
Chris: there were plans of a cross platform GUI client for the DBGp debugging protocol, but the relevant page is now giving a 404. Hopefully that doesn't mean the idea has been scrapped. The page is currently still in Google cache....
@Paul: No, it didn't get scrapped at all. You can follow the program on the student's blog: http://xn--9bi.net/category/gsoc/
In the Netherlands here. Using Xdebug with Eclipse/PDT. I feel I haven't discovered half of it yet, but already it makes work so much easier :).
Great stuff, Derick - I'm looking forward to using it!
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