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               Doctrine 2
             Not the same Old PHP ORM

Doctrine 2

    What is different in Doctrine 2?

Doctrine 2

             New code, new concepts,
                different workflow

Doctrine 2

       100% re-written codebase for
                PHP 5.3

Doctrine 2

                         Are you scared?

Doctrine 2

         You shouldn’t be! It is a very
          exciting thing for PHP and
           change is a good thing!

Doctrine 2

We learned lots building Doctrine
 1 and we used that to help us
        build Doctrine 2

Doctrine 2

               Let me tell you why!

Doctrine 2

             Performance of Doctrine 1

                     To hydrate 5000 records
                       in Doctrine 1 it takes
                      roughly 4.3 seconds.

Doctrine 2

             Performance of Doctrine 2

                Under Doctrine 2, hydrating
              those same 5000 records only
                    takes 1.4 seconds.

Doctrine 2

             Performance of Doctrine 2

              ...and with 10000 records it still
               only takes about 3.5 seconds.

               Twice the data and still faster
                      than Doctrine 1

Doctrine 2

             Performance of Doctrine 2
• More interesting than the numbers
  themselves is the percentage improvement
  over Doctrine 1

Doctrine 2

                         Why is it faster?
• PHP 5.3 gives us a huge performance
  improvement when using a heavily OO
  framework like Doctrine
• Better optimized hydration algorithm
• New query and result caching
• All around more explicit and less magical
  code results in better and faster code.
• Killed the magical aspect of Doctrine 1

Doctrine 2

                 Why kill the magic?
• Eliminate the WTF? factor of Doctrine 1

Doctrine 2

             The Doctrine 1 magical
               features are both a
              blessing and a curse

Doctrine 2

             Blessing and a Curse
• Magic is great when it works
• The magic you love is also the cause of all
  the pain you’ve felt with Doctrine 1
• When it doesn’t work it is hard to debug
• Edge cases are hard to fix
• Edge cases are hard to work around
• Edge cases, edge cases, edge cases
• Everything is okay until you try and go
  outside the box the magic provides
• ...magic is slow
Doctrine 2

    How will we replace the magic?
      This new thing called OOP :)

•    Object Composition
•    Inheritance
•    Aggregation
•    Containment
•    Encapsulation
•    ...etc

Doctrine 2

   Will Doctrine 2 have behaviors?

                             Yes and No

Doctrine 2

                                        The No
• We won’t have any concept of “model

• Behaviors were a made up concept for
  Doctrine 1 to work with its extremely
  intrusive architecture.

• It tries to do things that PHP does not allow
  and is the result of lots of problems in
  Doctrine 1
Doctrine 2

                                        The Yes
• Everything you can do in Doctrine 1 you can
  do in Doctrine 2, just in a different way.

• “Behavior” like functionality will be bundled
  as extensions for Doctrine 2 and will just
  contain normal OO PHP code that wraps/
  extends Doctrine code or is meant to be
  wrapped or extended by your entities.

Doctrine 2

             What did we use to build
                   Doctrine 2?

Doctrine 2

               Doctrine 2 Tool Belt
•    phpUnit 3.4.10 - Unit Testing
•    Phing - Packaging and Distribution
•    Symfony YAML Component
•    Sismo - Continuous Integration
•    Subversion - Source Control
•    Jira - Issue Tracking and Management
•    Trac - Subversion Timeline, Source Code
     Browser, Changeset Viewer

Doctrine 2

             Doctrine 2 Architecture
• Entities
• Lightweight persistent domain object
• Regular PHP class
• Does not extend any base Doctrine class
• Cannot be final or contain final methods
• Any two entities in a hierarchy of classes must not have a
  mapped property with the same name
• Supports inheritance, polymorphic associations and
  polymorphic queries.
• Both abstract and concrete classes can be entities
• Entities may extend non-entity classes as well as entity
  classes, and non-entity classes may extend entity classes

Doctrine 2

             Doctrine 2 Architecture
• Your entities in Doctrine 2 don’t require
  that you extend a base class like in Doctrine
  1! No more imposing on your domain
                                namespace Entities;

                                class User
                                    private $id;
                                    private $name;
                                    private $address;

Doctrine 2

             Doctrine 2 Architecture
• The EntityManager
• Central access point to the ORM functionality provided by
  Doctrine 2. API is used to manage the persistence of your
  objects and to query for persistent objects.
• Employes transactional write behind strategy that delays the
  execution of SQL statements in order to execute them in the
  most efficient way
• Execute at end of transaction so that all write locks are quickly
• Internally an EntityManager uses a UnitOfWork to keep track
  of your objects

Doctrine 2

                                 Unit Testing
• Tests are ran against multiple DBMS types.
  This is something that was not possible
  with the Doctrine 1 test suite.

•    ...Sqlite
•    ...MySQL
•    ...Oracle
•    ...PgSQL
•    ...more to come

Doctrine 2

                                 Unit Testing
• 859 Test Cases
• 2152 Assertions
• Tests run in a few seconds compared to
  30-40 seconds for Doctrine 1
• Much more granular and explicit unit tests
• Easier to debug failed tests
• Continuously integrated by Sismo :)

Doctrine 2

      – No, Sismo is not available yet!!!!!!!!! :)
      – Want it? Bug Fabien!

Doctrine 2

             Database Abstraction Layer
• Separate standalone package and
  namespace (DoctrineDBAL).

• Can be used standalone.

• Much improved over Doctrine 1 in regards
  to the API for database introspection and
  schema management.

Doctrine 2

             Database Abstraction Layer
• Hopefully Doctrine 2 DBAL can be the
  defacto standard DBAL for PHP 5.3 in the
  future like MDB and MDB2 were in PEAR

• Maybe we can make this happen for PEAR2?

Doctrine 2

                                DBAL Data API
•    prepare($sql) - Prepare a given sql statement and return the DoctrineDBAL
     DriverStatement instance.
•    executeUpdate($sql, array $params) - Executes a prepared statement with the
     given sql and parameters and returns the affected rows count.
•    execute($sql, array $params) - Creates a prepared statement for the given sql and
     passes the parameters to the execute method, then returning the statement.
•    fetchAll($sql, array $params) - Execute the query and fetch all results into an array.
•    fetchArray($sql, array $params) - Numeric index retrieval of first result row of the
     given query.
•    fetchBoth($sql, array $params) - Both numeric and assoc column name retrieval of
     the first result row.
•    fetchColumn($sql, array $params, $colnum) - Retrieve only the given column of
     the first result row.
•    fetchRow($sql, array $params) - Retrieve assoc row of the first result row.
•    select($sql, $limit, $offset) - Modify the given query with a limit clause.
•    delete($tableName, array $identifier) - Delete all rows of a table matching the
     given identifier, where keys are column names.
•    insert($tableName, array $data) - Insert a row into the given table name using the

Doctrine 2

             DBAL Introspection API
•    listDatabases()
•    listFunctions()
•    listSequences()
•    listTableColumns($tableName)
•    listTableConstraints($tableName)
•    listTableDetails($tableName)
•    listTableForeignKeys($tableName)
•    listTableIndexes($tableName)
•    listTables()
Doctrine 2

        DBAL Schema Representation
$schema = new DoctrineDBALSchemaSchema();
$myTable = $schema->createTable("my_table");
$myTable->createColumn("id", "integer", array("unsigned" => true));
$myTable->createColumn("username", "string", array("length" => 32));

$myForeign = $schema->createTable("my_foreign");
$myForeign->createColumn("id", "integer");
$myForeign->createColumn("user_id", "integer");
$myForeign->addForeignKeyConstraint($myTable, array("user_id"),
array("id"), array("onUpdate" => "CASCADE"));

$queries = $schema->toSql($myPlatform); // get queries to create this
$dropSchema = $schema->toDropSql($myPlatform); // get queries to
safely delete this schema.

Doctrine 2

                Compare DBAL Schemas

             $comparator = new DoctrineDBALSchemaComparator();
             $schemaDiff = $comparator->compare($fromSchema, $toSchema);

             // queries to get from one to another schema.
             $queries = $schemaDiff->toSql($myPlatform);
             $saveQueries = $schemaDiff->toSaveSql($myPlatform);

Doctrine 2

             Schema Management
• Extracted from ORM to DBAL

• Schema comparisons replace the migrations
  diff tool of Doctrine 1

Doctrine 2

             Doctrine 2 Annotations

                    namespace Entities;

                      * @Entity @Table(name="users")
                    class User
                         /** @Id @Column(type="integer") @GeneratedValue */
                         private $id;

                          /** @Column(length=50) */
                          private $name;

                          /** @OneToOne(targetEntity="Address") */
                          private $address;

Doctrine 2       

                       Things to Notice
• Entities no longer require you to extend a
  base class!
• Your domain model has absolutely no
  magic, is not imposed on by Doctrine and is
  defined by raw PHP objects and normal OO
• The performance improvement from this is
• Easier to understand what is happening due
  to less magic occurring. As Fabien says,
  “Kill the magic...”
Doctrine 2

                       Doctrine 2 YAML
                                      type: entity
                                      table: addresses
                                          type: integer
                                            strategy: AUTO
                                          type: string
                                          length: 255
                                          targetEntity: User
                                          mappedBy: address

Doctrine 2  

                              Doctrine 2 XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<doctrine-mapping xmlns=""

     <entity name="EntitiesUser" table="users">
         <id name="id" type="integer">
             <generator strategy="AUTO"/>
         <field name="name" type="string" length="50"/>
         <one-to-one field="address" target-entity="Address">
             <join-column name="address_id" referenced-column-name="id"/>


Doctrine 2

                       Doctrine 2 Setup
• PHP “use” all necessary namespaces and

             use DoctrineCommonClassLoader,
                 EntitiesUser, EntitiesAddress;

Doctrine 2

                       Doctrine 2 Setup
• Require the Doctrine ClassLoader

 require '../../lib/Doctrine/Common/ClassLoader.php';

Doctrine 2

                       Doctrine 2 Setup
• Setup autoloading for Doctrine classes
• ...core classes
• ...entity classes
• ...proxy classes

$doctrineClassLoader = new ClassLoader('Doctrine', '/path/to/doctrine');

$entitiesClassLoader = new ClassLoader('Entities', '/path/to/entities');

$proxiesClassLoader = new ClassLoader('Proxies', '/path/to/proxies');

Doctrine 2

                       Doctrine 2 Setup
• Configure your Doctrine implementation

               // Set up caches
               $config = new Configuration;
               $cache = new ApcCache;

               // Proxy configuration

Doctrine 2

                            Doctrine 2 Setup
• Create your database connection and entity

             // Database connection information
             $connectionOptions = array(
                 'driver' => 'pdo_sqlite',
                 'path' => 'database.sqlite'

             // Create EntityManager
             $em = EntityManager::create($connectionOptions, $config);

Doctrine 2

                       Doctrine 2 Setup
• In production you would lazily load the
• Example: $em = function()
                                 static $em;
                                 if (!$em)
                                   $em = EntityManager::create($connectionOptions, $config);
                                 return $em;

• In the real world I wouldn’t recommend that
  you use the above example
• Symfony DI would take care of this for us

Doctrine 2     

                       Doctrine 2 Setup
• Now you can start using your models and
  persisting entities

             $user = new User;
             $user->setName('Jonathan H. Wage');

Doctrine 2

                   Insert Performance
• Inserting 20 records with Doctrine

             for ($i = 0; $i < 20; ++$i) {
                 $user = new User;
                 $user->name = 'Jonathan H. Wage';

             $s = microtime(true);
             $e = microtime(true);
             echo $e - $s;

Doctrine 2

                  Insert Performance
• Compare it to some raw PHP code

$s = microtime(true);
for ($i = 0; $i < 20; ++$i) {
    mysql_query("INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES ('Jonathan H. Wage')",
$e = microtime(true);
echo $e - $s;

Doctrine 2

                  Insert Performance
• The results might be surprising to you.
  Which do you think is faster?

Doctrine 2

                  Insert Performance

             Doctrine 2                 0.0094 seconds

             mysql_query 0.0165 seconds

Doctrine 2

                  Insert Performance
• Doctrine 2 is faster than some raw PHP
  code? What?!?!?! HUH?
• It does a lot less, provides no features, no
  abstraction, etc.

• Why? The answer is transactions! Doctrine 2
  manages our transactions for us and
  efficiently executes all inserts in a single,
  short transaction. The raw PHP code
  executes 1 transaction for each insert.

Doctrine 2

                  Insert Performance
• Here is the same raw PHP code re-visited
  with proper transaction usage.

$s = microtime(true);
mysql_query('START TRANSACTION', $link);
for ($i = 0; $i < 20; ++$i) {
    mysql_query("INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES ('Jonathan H. Wage')",
mysql_query('COMMIT', $link);
$e = microtime(true);
echo $e - $s;

Doctrine 2

                  Insert Performance
• Not trying to say Doctrine 2 is faster than
  raw PHP code

• Demonstrating that simple developer
  oversights and mis-use can cause the
  greatest performance problems

Doctrine 2

                   Insert Performance
• This time around it only takes 0.0028
  seconds compared to the previous 0.0165
  seconds. That’s a pretty huge improvement.

• You can read more about this on the
  Doctrine Blog

Doctrine 2

             Doctrine Query Language
• DQL parser completely re-written from

• ...DQL is parsed by a top down recursive
  descent parser that constructs an AST
  (abstract syntax tree).

• ...The AST is used to generate the SQL to
  execute for your DBMS

Doctrine 2             

             Doctrine Query Language
• Here is an example DQL query

        $q = $em->createQuery('select u from MyProjectModelUser u');
        $users = $q->execute();

Doctrine 2

             Doctrine Query Language
• Here is that same DQL query using the
  QueryBuilder API

             $qb = $em->createQueryBuilder()
                 ->from('MyProjectModelUser', 'u');

             $q = $qb->getQuery();
             $users = $q->execute();


Doctrine 2              

             Doctrine Query Builder
• QueryBuilder API is the same as
  Doctrine_Query API in Doctrine 1
• Query building and query execution are
• True builder pattern used
• QueryBuilder is used to build instances of
• You don’t execute a QueryBuilder, you get
  the built Query instance from the
  QueryBuilder and execute it
Doctrine 2

                              Cache Drivers
• Public interface of all cache drivers

• fetch($id) - Fetches an entry from the
• contains($id) - Test if an entry exists in the
• save($id, $data, $lifeTime = false) - Puts
  data into the cache.
• delete($id) - Deletes a cache entry.

Doctrine 2

                              Cache Drivers
• Wrap existing Symfony, ZF, etc. cache driver
  instances with the Doctrine interface

Doctrine 2

                              Cache Drivers
• deleteByRegex($regex) - Deletes cache
  entries where the key matches a regular

• deleteByPrefix($prefix) - Deletes cache
  entries where the key matches a prefix.

• deleteBySuffix($suffix) - Deletes cache
  entries where the key matches a suffix.

Doctrine 2

                              Cache Drivers
• Each driver extends the AbstractCache class
  which defines a few abstract protected
  methods that each of the drivers must
  implement to do the actual work

•    _doFetch($id)
•    _doContains($id)
•    _doSave($id, $data, $lifeTime = false)
•    _doDelete($id)

Doctrine 2

                        APC Cache Driver
• To use the APC cache driver you must have
  it compiled and enabled in your php.ini

             $cacheDriver = new DoctrineCommonCacheApcCache();
             $cacheDriver->save('cache_id', 'my_data');

Doctrine 2

                Memcache Cache Driver
• To use the memcache cache driver you
  must have it compiled and enabled in your

             $memcache = new Memcache();
             $memcache->connect('memcache_host', 11211);

             $cacheDriver = new DoctrineCommonCacheMemcacheCache();
             $cacheDriver->save('cache_id', 'my_data');

Doctrine 2

                   Xcache Cache Driver
• To use the xcache cache driver you must
  have it compiled and enabled in your

             $cacheDriver = new DoctrineCommonCacheXcacheCache();
             $cacheDriver->save('cache_id', 'my_data');

Doctrine 2

                                       Result Cache
• First you need to configure the result cache
                $cacheDriver = new DoctrineCommonCacheApcCache();

• Then you can configure each query to use
  the result cache or not.
             $query = $em->createQuery('select u from EntitiesUser u');
             $query->useResultCache(true, 3600, 'my_query_name');

• Executing this query the first time would
  populate a cache entry in $cacheDriver
  named my_query_name
Doctrine 2

                                 Result Cache
• Now you can clear the cache for that query
  by using the delete() method of the cache


Doctrine 2

             Command Line Interface
• Re-written command line interface to help
  developing with Doctrine

Doctrine 2

• Execute a manually written SQL statement
• Execute multiple SQL statements from a file

Doctrine 2

•    Clear   all query, result and metadata cache
•    Clear   only query cache
•    Clear   only result cache
•    Clear   only metadata cache
•    Clear   a single queries result cache
•    Clear   keys that match regular expression
•    Clear   keys that match a prefix
•    Clear   keys that match a suffix

Doctrine 2

             So now when you have a problem in
             Doctrine, like Symfony, you can try
             clearing the cache first :)

Doctrine 2

• Convert metadata information between
• Convert metadata information from an
  existing database to any supported format
  (yml, xml, annotations, etc.)
• Convert mapping information from xml to
  yml or vice versa
• Generate PHP classes from mapping
  information with mutators and accessors

Doctrine 2

• Verify that Doctrine is properly configured
  for a production environment.

• Throws an exception when environment
  does not meet the production requirements

Doctrine 2

• Generate the proxy classes for entity

• A proxy object is an object that is put in
  place or used instead of the "real" object. A
  proxy object can add behavior to the object
  being proxied without that object being
  aware of it. In Doctrine 2, proxy objects are
  used to realize several features but mainly
  for transparent lazy-loading.

Doctrine 2

• Execute a DQL query from the command

Doctrine 2

• Drop, create and update your database

• --create option creates the initial tables for
  your schema
• --drop option drops the the tables for your
• --update option compares your local
  schema information to the database and
  updates it accordingly
Doctrine 2

• Doctrine 2 fully supports inheritance. We
  allow the following types of inheritance:

• ...Mapped Superclasses
• ...Single Table Inheritance
• ...Class Table Inheritance

Doctrine 2

             Mapped Superclasses
             /** @MappedSuperclass */
             class MappedSuperclassBase
                 /** @Column(type="integer") */
                 private $mapped1;
                 /** @Column(type="string") */
                 private $mapped2;
                  * @OneToOne(targetEntity="MappedSuperclassRelated1")
                  * @JoinColumn(name="related1_id", referencedColumnName="id")
                 private $mappedRelated1;

                     // ... more fields and methods

             /** @Entity */
             class EntitySubClass extends MappedSuperclassBase
                 /** @Id @Column(type="integer") */
                 private $id;
                 /** @Column(type="string") */
                 private $name;

                     // ... more fields and methods

Doctrine 2   

                  Mapped Superclasses

    CREATE TABLE EntitySubClass (mapped1 INTEGER NOT NULL,
    mapped2 TEXT NOT NULL,
    name TEXT NOT NULL,
    related1_id INTEGER DEFAULT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY(id))


Doctrine 2            

              Single Table Inheritance
           * @Entity
           * @InheritanceType("SINGLE_TABLE")
           * @DiscriminatorColumn(name="discr", type="string")
           * @DiscriminatorMap({"person" = "Person", "employee" = "Employee"})
         class Person
              // ...

           * @Entity
         class Employee extends Person
              // ...

Doctrine 2

             Single Table Inheritance
• All entities share one table.

• To distinguish which row represents which
  type in the hierarchy a so-called
  discriminator column is used.


Doctrine 2              

             Class Table Inheritance
 namespace MyProjectModel;

   * @Entity
   * @InheritanceType("JOINED")
   * @DiscriminatorColumn(name="discr", type="string")
   * @DiscriminatorMap({"person" = "Person", "employee" = "Employee"})
 class Person
      // ...

 /** @Entity */
 class Employee extends Person
     // ...

Doctrine 2              

             Class Table Inheritance
• Each class in a hierarchy is mapped to
  several tables: its own table and the tables
  of all parent classes.
• The table of a child class is linked to the
  table of a parent class through a foreign
  key constraint.
• A discriminator column is used in the
  topmost table of the hierarchy because this
  is the easiest way to achieve polymorphic

Doctrine 2

                       Batch Processing
• Doctrine 2 offers the ability to do some
  batch processing by taking advantage of
  the transactional write-behind behavior of
  an EntityManager

Doctrine 2

                                      Bulk Inserts
• Insert 10000 objects with a batch size of 20

             $batchSize = 20;
             for ($i = 1; $i <= 10000; ++$i) {
                 $user = new CmsUser;
                 $user->setUsername('user' . $i);
                 $user->setName('Mr.Smith-' . $i);
                 if ($i % $batchSize == 0) {
                     $em->clear(); // Detaches all objects from Doctrine!

Doctrine 2

                                     Bulk Update
• Bulk update with DQL

       $q = $em->createQuery('update MyProjectModelManager m set
       m.salary = m.salary * 0.9');
       $numUpdated = $q->execute();

Doctrine 2

                                    Bulk Update
• Bulk update by iterating over the results
  using the Query::iterate() method to avoid
  loading everything into memory at once
             $batchSize = 20;
             $i = 0;
             $q = $em->createQuery('select u from MyProjectModelUser u');
             $iterableResult = $q->iterate();
             foreach($iterableResult AS $row) {
                 $user = $row[0];
                 if (($i % $batchSize) == 0) {
                     $em->flush(); // Executes all updates.
                     $em->clear(); // Detaches all objects from Doctrine!

Doctrine 2

                                     Bulk Delete
• Bulk delete with DQL

       $q = $em->createQuery('delete from MyProjectModelManager m
       where m.salary > 100000');
       $numDeleted = $q->execute();

Doctrine 2

                                        Bulk Delete
• Just like the bulk updates you can iterate
  over a query to avoid loading everything
  into memory all at once.

             $batchSize = 20;
             $i = 0;
             $q = $em->createQuery('select u from MyProjectModelUser u');
             $iterableResult = $q->iterate();
             while (($row = $iterableResult->next()) !== false) {
                 if (($i % $batchSize) == 0) {
                     $em->flush(); // Executes all deletions.
                     $em->clear(); // Detaches all objects from Doctrine!

Doctrine 2

NativeQuery + ResultSetMapping
• The NativeQuery class is used to execute
  raw SQL queries

• The ResultSetMapping class is used to
  define how to hydrate the results of that

Doctrine 2

NativeQuery + ResultSetMapping
• Here is a simple example
      $rsm = new ResultSetMapping;
      $rsm->addEntityResult('DoctrineTestsModelsCMSCmsUser', 'u');
      $rsm->addFieldResult('u', 'id', 'id');
      $rsm->addFieldResult('u', 'name', 'name');

      $query = $this->_em->createNativeQuery(
          'SELECT id, name FROM cms_users WHERE username = ?',
      $query->setParameter(1, 'romanb');

      $users = $query->getResult();

Doctrine 2

NativeQuery + ResultSetMapping
• The result of $users would look like

                 [0] => User (Object)

Doctrine 2

NativeQuery + ResultSetMapping
• This means you will always be able to
  fallback to the power of raw SQL without
  losing the ability to hydrate the data to your

Doctrine 2

     Jonathan H. Wage
     +1 415 992 5468 | | |

      You can contact Jonathan about Doctrine and Open-Source or for
      training, consulting, application development, or business related
                   questions at

Doctrine 2

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Doctrine 2 - Not The Same Old Php Orm

  • 1. #sflive2010 Doctrine 2 Not the same Old PHP ORM Doctrine 2
  • 2. #sflive2010 What is different in Doctrine 2? Doctrine 2
  • 3. #sflive2010 New code, new concepts, different workflow Doctrine 2
  • 4. #sflive2010 100% re-written codebase for PHP 5.3 Doctrine 2
  • 5. #sflive2010 Are you scared? Doctrine 2
  • 6. #sflive2010 You shouldn’t be! It is a very exciting thing for PHP and change is a good thing! Doctrine 2
  • 7. #sflive2010 We learned lots building Doctrine 1 and we used that to help us build Doctrine 2 Doctrine 2
  • 8. #sflive2010 Let me tell you why! Doctrine 2
  • 9. #sflive2010 Performance of Doctrine 1 To hydrate 5000 records in Doctrine 1 it takes roughly 4.3 seconds. Doctrine 2
  • 10. #sflive2010 Performance of Doctrine 2 Under Doctrine 2, hydrating those same 5000 records only takes 1.4 seconds. Doctrine 2
  • 11. #sflive2010 Performance of Doctrine 2 ...and with 10000 records it still only takes about 3.5 seconds. Twice the data and still faster than Doctrine 1 Doctrine 2
  • 12. #sflive2010 Performance of Doctrine 2 • More interesting than the numbers themselves is the percentage improvement over Doctrine 1 Doctrine 2
  • 13. #sflive2010 Why is it faster? • PHP 5.3 gives us a huge performance improvement when using a heavily OO framework like Doctrine • Better optimized hydration algorithm • New query and result caching implementations • All around more explicit and less magical code results in better and faster code. • Killed the magical aspect of Doctrine 1 Doctrine 2
  • 14. #sflive2010 Why kill the magic? • Eliminate the WTF? factor of Doctrine 1 Doctrine 2
  • 15. #sflive2010 The Doctrine 1 magical features are both a blessing and a curse Doctrine 2
  • 16. #sflive2010 Blessing and a Curse • Magic is great when it works • The magic you love is also the cause of all the pain you’ve felt with Doctrine 1 • When it doesn’t work it is hard to debug • Edge cases are hard to fix • Edge cases are hard to work around • Edge cases, edge cases, edge cases • Everything is okay until you try and go outside the box the magic provides • ...magic is slow Doctrine 2
  • 17. #sflive2010 How will we replace the magic? This new thing called OOP :) • Object Composition • Inheritance • Aggregation • Containment • Encapsulation • ...etc Doctrine 2
  • 18. #sflive2010 Will Doctrine 2 have behaviors? Yes and No Doctrine 2
  • 19. #sflive2010 The No • We won’t have any concept of “model behaviors” • Behaviors were a made up concept for Doctrine 1 to work with its extremely intrusive architecture. • It tries to do things that PHP does not allow and is the result of lots of problems in Doctrine 1 Doctrine 2
  • 20. #sflive2010 The Yes • Everything you can do in Doctrine 1 you can do in Doctrine 2, just in a different way. • “Behavior” like functionality will be bundled as extensions for Doctrine 2 and will just contain normal OO PHP code that wraps/ extends Doctrine code or is meant to be wrapped or extended by your entities. Doctrine 2
  • 21. #sflive2010 What did we use to build Doctrine 2? Doctrine 2
  • 22. #sflive2010 Doctrine 2 Tool Belt • phpUnit 3.4.10 - Unit Testing • Phing - Packaging and Distribution • Symfony YAML Component • Sismo - Continuous Integration • Subversion - Source Control • Jira - Issue Tracking and Management • Trac - Subversion Timeline, Source Code Browser, Changeset Viewer Doctrine 2
  • 23. #sflive2010 Doctrine 2 Architecture • Entities • Lightweight persistent domain object • Regular PHP class • Does not extend any base Doctrine class • Cannot be final or contain final methods • Any two entities in a hierarchy of classes must not have a mapped property with the same name • Supports inheritance, polymorphic associations and polymorphic queries. • Both abstract and concrete classes can be entities • Entities may extend non-entity classes as well as entity classes, and non-entity classes may extend entity classes Doctrine 2
  • 24. #sflive2010 Doctrine 2 Architecture • Your entities in Doctrine 2 don’t require that you extend a base class like in Doctrine 1! No more imposing on your domain model! namespace Entities; class User { private $id; private $name; private $address; } Doctrine 2
  • 25. #sflive2010 Doctrine 2 Architecture • The EntityManager • Central access point to the ORM functionality provided by Doctrine 2. API is used to manage the persistence of your objects and to query for persistent objects. • Employes transactional write behind strategy that delays the execution of SQL statements in order to execute them in the most efficient way • Execute at end of transaction so that all write locks are quickly releases • Internally an EntityManager uses a UnitOfWork to keep track of your objects Doctrine 2
  • 26. #sflive2010 Unit Testing • Tests are ran against multiple DBMS types. This is something that was not possible with the Doctrine 1 test suite. • ...Sqlite • ...MySQL • ...Oracle • ...PgSQL • ...more to come Doctrine 2
  • 27. #sflive2010 Unit Testing • 859 Test Cases • 2152 Assertions • Tests run in a few seconds compared to 30-40 seconds for Doctrine 1 • Much more granular and explicit unit tests • Easier to debug failed tests • Continuously integrated by Sismo :) Doctrine 2
  • 28. #sflive2010 Sismo – No, Sismo is not available yet!!!!!!!!! :) – Want it? Bug Fabien! Doctrine 2
  • 29. #sflive2010 Database Abstraction Layer • Separate standalone package and namespace (DoctrineDBAL). • Can be used standalone. • Much improved over Doctrine 1 in regards to the API for database introspection and schema management. Doctrine 2
  • 30. #sflive2010 Database Abstraction Layer • Hopefully Doctrine 2 DBAL can be the defacto standard DBAL for PHP 5.3 in the future like MDB and MDB2 were in PEAR • Maybe we can make this happen for PEAR2? Doctrine 2
  • 31. #sflive2010 DBAL Data API • prepare($sql) - Prepare a given sql statement and return the DoctrineDBAL DriverStatement instance. • executeUpdate($sql, array $params) - Executes a prepared statement with the given sql and parameters and returns the affected rows count. • execute($sql, array $params) - Creates a prepared statement for the given sql and passes the parameters to the execute method, then returning the statement. • fetchAll($sql, array $params) - Execute the query and fetch all results into an array. • fetchArray($sql, array $params) - Numeric index retrieval of first result row of the given query. • fetchBoth($sql, array $params) - Both numeric and assoc column name retrieval of the first result row. • fetchColumn($sql, array $params, $colnum) - Retrieve only the given column of the first result row. • fetchRow($sql, array $params) - Retrieve assoc row of the first result row. • select($sql, $limit, $offset) - Modify the given query with a limit clause. • delete($tableName, array $identifier) - Delete all rows of a table matching the given identifier, where keys are column names. • insert($tableName, array $data) - Insert a row into the given table name using the Doctrine 2
  • 32. #sflive2010 DBAL Introspection API • listDatabases() • listFunctions() • listSequences() • listTableColumns($tableName) • listTableConstraints($tableName) • listTableDetails($tableName) • listTableForeignKeys($tableName) • listTableIndexes($tableName) • listTables() Doctrine 2
  • 33. #sflive2010 DBAL Schema Representation $schema = new DoctrineDBALSchemaSchema(); $myTable = $schema->createTable("my_table"); $myTable->createColumn("id", "integer", array("unsigned" => true)); $myTable->createColumn("username", "string", array("length" => 32)); $myTable->setPrimaryKey(array("id")); $myTable->addUniqueIndex(array("username")); $schema->createSequence("my_table_seq"); $myForeign = $schema->createTable("my_foreign"); $myForeign->createColumn("id", "integer"); $myForeign->createColumn("user_id", "integer"); $myForeign->addForeignKeyConstraint($myTable, array("user_id"), array("id"), array("onUpdate" => "CASCADE")); $queries = $schema->toSql($myPlatform); // get queries to create this schema. $dropSchema = $schema->toDropSql($myPlatform); // get queries to safely delete this schema. Doctrine 2
  • 34. #sflive2010 Compare DBAL Schemas $comparator = new DoctrineDBALSchemaComparator(); $schemaDiff = $comparator->compare($fromSchema, $toSchema); // queries to get from one to another schema. $queries = $schemaDiff->toSql($myPlatform); $saveQueries = $schemaDiff->toSaveSql($myPlatform); Doctrine 2
  • 35. #sflive2010 Schema Management • Extracted from ORM to DBAL • Schema comparisons replace the migrations diff tool of Doctrine 1 Doctrine 2
  • 36. #sflive2010 Doctrine 2 Annotations <?php namespace Entities; /** * @Entity @Table(name="users") */ class User { /** @Id @Column(type="integer") @GeneratedValue */ private $id; /** @Column(length=50) */ private $name; /** @OneToOne(targetEntity="Address") */ private $address; } Doctrine 2
  • 37. #sflive2010 Things to Notice • Entities no longer require you to extend a base class! • Your domain model has absolutely no magic, is not imposed on by Doctrine and is defined by raw PHP objects and normal OO programming. • The performance improvement from this is significant. • Easier to understand what is happening due to less magic occurring. As Fabien says, “Kill the magic...” Doctrine 2
  • 38. #sflive2010 Doctrine 2 YAML EntitiesAddress: type: entity table: addresses id: id: type: integer generator: strategy: AUTO fields: street: type: string length: 255 oneToOne: user: targetEntity: User mappedBy: address Doctrine 2
  • 39. #sflive2010 Doctrine 2 XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <doctrine-mapping xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <entity name="EntitiesUser" table="users"> <id name="id" type="integer"> <generator strategy="AUTO"/> </id> <field name="name" type="string" length="50"/> <one-to-one field="address" target-entity="Address"> <join-column name="address_id" referenced-column-name="id"/> </one-to-one> </entity> </doctrine-mapping> Doctrine 2
  • 40. #sflive2010 Doctrine 2 Setup • PHP “use” all necessary namespaces and classes use DoctrineCommonClassLoader, DoctrineORMConfiguration, DoctrineORMEntityManager, DoctrineCommonCacheApcCache, EntitiesUser, EntitiesAddress; Doctrine 2
  • 41. #sflive2010 Doctrine 2 Setup • Require the Doctrine ClassLoader require '../../lib/Doctrine/Common/ClassLoader.php'; Doctrine 2
  • 42. #sflive2010 Doctrine 2 Setup • Setup autoloading for Doctrine classes • ...core classes • ...entity classes • ...proxy classes $doctrineClassLoader = new ClassLoader('Doctrine', '/path/to/doctrine'); $doctrineClassLoader->register(); $entitiesClassLoader = new ClassLoader('Entities', '/path/to/entities'); $entitiesClassLoader->register(); $proxiesClassLoader = new ClassLoader('Proxies', '/path/to/proxies'); $proxiesClassLoader->register(); Doctrine 2
  • 43. #sflive2010 Doctrine 2 Setup • Configure your Doctrine implementation // Set up caches $config = new Configuration; $cache = new ApcCache; $config->setMetadataCacheImpl($cache); $config->setQueryCacheImpl($cache); // Proxy configuration $config->setProxyDir('/path/to/proxies/Proxies'); $config->setProxyNamespace('Proxies'); Doctrine 2
  • 44. #sflive2010 Doctrine 2 Setup • Create your database connection and entity manager // Database connection information $connectionOptions = array( 'driver' => 'pdo_sqlite', 'path' => 'database.sqlite' ); // Create EntityManager $em = EntityManager::create($connectionOptions, $config); Doctrine 2
  • 45. #sflive2010 Doctrine 2 Setup • In production you would lazily load the EntityManager • Example: $em = function() { static $em; if (!$em) { $em = EntityManager::create($connectionOptions, $config); } return $em; } • In the real world I wouldn’t recommend that you use the above example • Symfony DI would take care of this for us Doctrine 2
  • 46. #sflive2010 Doctrine 2 Setup • Now you can start using your models and persisting entities $user = new User; $user->setName('Jonathan H. Wage'); $em->persist($user); $em->flush(); Doctrine 2
  • 47. #sflive2010 Insert Performance • Inserting 20 records with Doctrine for ($i = 0; $i < 20; ++$i) { $user = new User; $user->name = 'Jonathan H. Wage'; $em->persist($user); } $s = microtime(true); $em->flush(); $e = microtime(true); echo $e - $s; Doctrine 2
  • 48. #sflive2010 Insert Performance • Compare it to some raw PHP code $s = microtime(true); for ($i = 0; $i < 20; ++$i) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES ('Jonathan H. Wage')", $link); } $e = microtime(true); echo $e - $s; Doctrine 2
  • 49. #sflive2010 Insert Performance • The results might be surprising to you. Which do you think is faster? Doctrine 2
  • 50. #sflive2010 Insert Performance Doctrine 2 0.0094 seconds mysql_query 0.0165 seconds Doctrine 2
  • 51. #sflive2010 Insert Performance • Doctrine 2 is faster than some raw PHP code? What?!?!?! HUH? • It does a lot less, provides no features, no abstraction, etc. • Why? The answer is transactions! Doctrine 2 manages our transactions for us and efficiently executes all inserts in a single, short transaction. The raw PHP code executes 1 transaction for each insert. Doctrine 2
  • 52. #sflive2010 Insert Performance • Here is the same raw PHP code re-visited with proper transaction usage. $s = microtime(true); mysql_query('START TRANSACTION', $link); for ($i = 0; $i < 20; ++$i) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES ('Jonathan H. Wage')", $link); } mysql_query('COMMIT', $link); $e = microtime(true); echo $e - $s; Doctrine 2
  • 53. #sflive2010 Insert Performance • Not trying to say Doctrine 2 is faster than raw PHP code • Demonstrating that simple developer oversights and mis-use can cause the greatest performance problems Doctrine 2
  • 54. #sflive2010 Insert Performance • This time around it only takes 0.0028 seconds compared to the previous 0.0165 seconds. That’s a pretty huge improvement. • You can read more about this on the Doctrine Blog Doctrine 2
  • 55. #sflive2010 Doctrine Query Language • DQL parser completely re-written from scratch • ...DQL is parsed by a top down recursive descent parser that constructs an AST (abstract syntax tree). • ...The AST is used to generate the SQL to execute for your DBMS Doctrine 2
  • 56. #sflive2010 Doctrine Query Language • Here is an example DQL query $q = $em->createQuery('select u from MyProjectModelUser u'); $users = $q->execute(); Doctrine 2
  • 57. #sflive2010 Doctrine Query Language • Here is that same DQL query using the QueryBuilder API $qb = $em->createQueryBuilder() ->select('u') ->from('MyProjectModelUser', 'u'); $q = $qb->getQuery(); $users = $q->execute(); Doctrine 2
  • 58. #sflive2010 Doctrine Query Builder • QueryBuilder API is the same as Doctrine_Query API in Doctrine 1 • Query building and query execution are separated • True builder pattern used • QueryBuilder is used to build instances of Query • You don’t execute a QueryBuilder, you get the built Query instance from the QueryBuilder and execute it Doctrine 2
  • 59. #sflive2010 Cache Drivers • Public interface of all cache drivers • fetch($id) - Fetches an entry from the cache. • contains($id) - Test if an entry exists in the cache. • save($id, $data, $lifeTime = false) - Puts data into the cache. • delete($id) - Deletes a cache entry. Doctrine 2
  • 60. #sflive2010 Cache Drivers • Wrap existing Symfony, ZF, etc. cache driver instances with the Doctrine interface Doctrine 2
  • 61. #sflive2010 Cache Drivers • deleteByRegex($regex) - Deletes cache entries where the key matches a regular expression • deleteByPrefix($prefix) - Deletes cache entries where the key matches a prefix. • deleteBySuffix($suffix) - Deletes cache entries where the key matches a suffix. Doctrine 2
  • 62. #sflive2010 Cache Drivers • Each driver extends the AbstractCache class which defines a few abstract protected methods that each of the drivers must implement to do the actual work • _doFetch($id) • _doContains($id) • _doSave($id, $data, $lifeTime = false) • _doDelete($id) Doctrine 2
  • 63. #sflive2010 APC Cache Driver • To use the APC cache driver you must have it compiled and enabled in your php.ini $cacheDriver = new DoctrineCommonCacheApcCache(); $cacheDriver->save('cache_id', 'my_data'); Doctrine 2
  • 64. #sflive2010 Memcache Cache Driver • To use the memcache cache driver you must have it compiled and enabled in your php.ini $memcache = new Memcache(); $memcache->connect('memcache_host', 11211); $cacheDriver = new DoctrineCommonCacheMemcacheCache(); $cacheDriver->setMemcache($memcache); $cacheDriver->save('cache_id', 'my_data'); Doctrine 2
  • 65. #sflive2010 Xcache Cache Driver • To use the xcache cache driver you must have it compiled and enabled in your php.ini $cacheDriver = new DoctrineCommonCacheXcacheCache(); $cacheDriver->save('cache_id', 'my_data'); Doctrine 2
  • 66. #sflive2010 Result Cache • First you need to configure the result cache $cacheDriver = new DoctrineCommonCacheApcCache(); $config->setResultCacheImpl($cacheDriver); • Then you can configure each query to use the result cache or not. $query = $em->createQuery('select u from EntitiesUser u'); $query->useResultCache(true, 3600, 'my_query_name'); • Executing this query the first time would populate a cache entry in $cacheDriver named my_query_name Doctrine 2
  • 67. #sflive2010 Result Cache • Now you can clear the cache for that query by using the delete() method of the cache driver $cacheDriver->delete('my_query_name'); Doctrine 2
  • 68. #sflive2010 Command Line Interface • Re-written command line interface to help developing with Doctrine Doctrine 2
  • 69. #sflive2010 dbal:run-sql • Execute a manually written SQL statement • Execute multiple SQL statements from a file Doctrine 2
  • 70. #sflive2010 orm:clear-cache • Clear all query, result and metadata cache • Clear only query cache • Clear only result cache • Clear only metadata cache • Clear a single queries result cache • Clear keys that match regular expression • Clear keys that match a prefix • Clear keys that match a suffix Doctrine 2
  • 71. #sflive2010 So now when you have a problem in Doctrine, like Symfony, you can try clearing the cache first :) Doctrine 2
  • 72. #sflive2010 orm:convert-mapping • Convert metadata information between formats • Convert metadata information from an existing database to any supported format (yml, xml, annotations, etc.) • Convert mapping information from xml to yml or vice versa • Generate PHP classes from mapping information with mutators and accessors Doctrine 2
  • 73. #sflive2010 orm:ensure-production-settings • Verify that Doctrine is properly configured for a production environment. • Throws an exception when environment does not meet the production requirements Doctrine 2
  • 74. #sflive2010 orm:generate-proxies • Generate the proxy classes for entity classes. • A proxy object is an object that is put in place or used instead of the "real" object. A proxy object can add behavior to the object being proxied without that object being aware of it. In Doctrine 2, proxy objects are used to realize several features but mainly for transparent lazy-loading. Doctrine 2
  • 75. #sflive2010 orm:run-dql • Execute a DQL query from the command line Doctrine 2
  • 76. #sflive2010 orm:schema-tool • Drop, create and update your database schema. • --create option creates the initial tables for your schema • --drop option drops the the tables for your schema • --update option compares your local schema information to the database and updates it accordingly Doctrine 2
  • 77. #sflive2010 Inheritance • Doctrine 2 fully supports inheritance. We allow the following types of inheritance: • ...Mapped Superclasses • ...Single Table Inheritance • ...Class Table Inheritance Doctrine 2
  • 78. #sflive2010 Mapped Superclasses /** @MappedSuperclass */ class MappedSuperclassBase { /** @Column(type="integer") */ private $mapped1; /** @Column(type="string") */ private $mapped2; /** * @OneToOne(targetEntity="MappedSuperclassRelated1") * @JoinColumn(name="related1_id", referencedColumnName="id") */ private $mappedRelated1; // ... more fields and methods } /** @Entity */ class EntitySubClass extends MappedSuperclassBase { /** @Id @Column(type="integer") */ private $id; /** @Column(type="string") */ private $name; // ... more fields and methods } Doctrine 2
  • 79. #sflive2010 Mapped Superclasses CREATE TABLE EntitySubClass (mapped1 INTEGER NOT NULL, mapped2 TEXT NOT NULL, id INTEGER NOT NULL, name TEXT NOT NULL, related1_id INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id)) Doctrine 2
  • 80. #sflive2010 Single Table Inheritance /** * @Entity * @InheritanceType("SINGLE_TABLE") * @DiscriminatorColumn(name="discr", type="string") * @DiscriminatorMap({"person" = "Person", "employee" = "Employee"}) */ class Person { // ... } /** * @Entity */ class Employee extends Person { // ... } Doctrine 2
  • 81. #sflive2010 Single Table Inheritance • All entities share one table. • To distinguish which row represents which type in the hierarchy a so-called discriminator column is used. Doctrine 2
  • 82. #sflive2010 Class Table Inheritance namespace MyProjectModel; /** * @Entity * @InheritanceType("JOINED") * @DiscriminatorColumn(name="discr", type="string") * @DiscriminatorMap({"person" = "Person", "employee" = "Employee"}) */ class Person { // ... } /** @Entity */ class Employee extends Person { // ... } Doctrine 2
  • 83. #sflive2010 Class Table Inheritance • Each class in a hierarchy is mapped to several tables: its own table and the tables of all parent classes. • The table of a child class is linked to the table of a parent class through a foreign key constraint. • A discriminator column is used in the topmost table of the hierarchy because this is the easiest way to achieve polymorphic queries. Doctrine 2
  • 84. #sflive2010 Batch Processing • Doctrine 2 offers the ability to do some batch processing by taking advantage of the transactional write-behind behavior of an EntityManager Doctrine 2
  • 85. #sflive2010 Bulk Inserts • Insert 10000 objects with a batch size of 20 $batchSize = 20; for ($i = 1; $i <= 10000; ++$i) { $user = new CmsUser; $user->setStatus('user'); $user->setUsername('user' . $i); $user->setName('Mr.Smith-' . $i); $em->persist($user); if ($i % $batchSize == 0) { $em->flush(); $em->clear(); // Detaches all objects from Doctrine! } } Doctrine 2
  • 86. #sflive2010 Bulk Update • Bulk update with DQL $q = $em->createQuery('update MyProjectModelManager m set m.salary = m.salary * 0.9'); $numUpdated = $q->execute(); Doctrine 2
  • 87. #sflive2010 Bulk Update • Bulk update by iterating over the results using the Query::iterate() method to avoid loading everything into memory at once $batchSize = 20; $i = 0; $q = $em->createQuery('select u from MyProjectModelUser u'); $iterableResult = $q->iterate(); foreach($iterableResult AS $row) { $user = $row[0]; $user->increaseCredit(); $user->calculateNewBonuses(); if (($i % $batchSize) == 0) { $em->flush(); // Executes all updates. $em->clear(); // Detaches all objects from Doctrine! } ++$i; } Doctrine 2
  • 88. #sflive2010 Bulk Delete • Bulk delete with DQL $q = $em->createQuery('delete from MyProjectModelManager m where m.salary > 100000'); $numDeleted = $q->execute(); Doctrine 2
  • 89. #sflive2010 Bulk Delete • Just like the bulk updates you can iterate over a query to avoid loading everything into memory all at once. $batchSize = 20; $i = 0; $q = $em->createQuery('select u from MyProjectModelUser u'); $iterableResult = $q->iterate(); while (($row = $iterableResult->next()) !== false) { $em->remove($row[0]); if (($i % $batchSize) == 0) { $em->flush(); // Executes all deletions. $em->clear(); // Detaches all objects from Doctrine! } ++$i; } Doctrine 2
  • 90. #sflive2010 NativeQuery + ResultSetMapping • The NativeQuery class is used to execute raw SQL queries • The ResultSetMapping class is used to define how to hydrate the results of that query Doctrine 2
  • 91. #sflive2010 NativeQuery + ResultSetMapping • Here is a simple example $rsm = new ResultSetMapping; $rsm->addEntityResult('DoctrineTestsModelsCMSCmsUser', 'u'); $rsm->addFieldResult('u', 'id', 'id'); $rsm->addFieldResult('u', 'name', 'name'); $query = $this->_em->createNativeQuery( 'SELECT id, name FROM cms_users WHERE username = ?', $rsm ); $query->setParameter(1, 'romanb'); $users = $query->getResult(); Doctrine 2
  • 92. #sflive2010 NativeQuery + ResultSetMapping • The result of $users would look like array( [0] => User (Object) ) Doctrine 2
  • 93. #sflive2010 NativeQuery + ResultSetMapping • This means you will always be able to fallback to the power of raw SQL without losing the ability to hydrate the data to your entities Doctrine 2
  • 94. #sflive2010 Questions? Jonathan H. Wage +1 415 992 5468 | | | You can contact Jonathan about Doctrine and Open-Source or for training, consulting, application development, or business related questions at Doctrine 2